Saturday, November 29, 2014 the Movie.

     I thought was a great movie. It was an interesting insight into the world of start up technology companies and how quickly they can grow and how quickly they can die! Kaleel, Tom and Chavez were the epitomy of young, bright motivated entrepreneurs who had an idea and persevered to the bitter end. Except for Chavez who was bought out early on in the process, for a price that was undervalued at the time. He could have received a lot more for his stake in the company, which in it's prime was worth about 50 million. The interesting part was the company was only viable for less than a year, so it's value at around 6 months was surreal to say the least.

     They grew from about 8 employees to about 120 employees and then back down to just a handful. The idea behind the business to allow easy access to the public, items such as paying parking tickets, accessing records etc. was a good concept yet, they struggled to make it user friendly and interesting. They had some direct competition which was called and they were able to launch their website before Govworks and there was some speculation that they may have been behind the break in that occurred shortly before Gov works was due to launch its site. So, Kaleel and Tom had some tough decisions to make and eventually Tom was asked to leave as head of technology and the business took a quick fall to it's inevitable demise. In less than a year had been a tiny idea, built with venture capitalists and personal money, they made it to the White House to meet with President Bill Clinton, they were interviewed on t.v. and radio. They became millionaires on paper and their friendship was badly shaken, then their great idea collapsed, a perfect example of to dot. bomb!


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